Hi everyone; Amalie here. That's one of my nicknames if you didn't know. Mom and Dad love that French movie. If you don't know it, here's a link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sECzJY07oK4 So I've met Grandpa Rosenblum (or as Grandma R wants him to be known as "Pop"). He's fun. He showed up with a really great gift for Dad; a small video camera. Dad likes techno gadgets (even though there are plenty of times that he wants to think he's too much of a rough neck kind of guy to do that stuff). I'm sure he'll know be making me into a video star every week. You can check it all out on my blog here. Watch me as I grow. I've already gained a pound since I was born. Jenny Craig here I come. But seriously, here's my first video with Grandpa. Later on today, as Mom and I nap, Grandpa is making Dad clean his truck; inside and out. Mom says it gross; that he hasn't cleaned it since their first date. So, other than that, check back on me later. BTW, if you want to be notified of Blog updates, go to the bottom of the page and subscribe to the blog. You'll get updates on your computer. Ciao
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Welcome to my World
Hi everyone. There are a few things that I want to mention, now that you've begun to read my blog. First, thanks. As a baby it's important for me to get a lot of attention; so thanks for being interested in my life. Second, if you have any comments (or tips on how to get a good night sleep) there's an area below each blog to leave a comment. You do not have to be a Google member or anything like that; just choose the right identity below the comment box. Last, my parents update the links on the side of the page every once in a while. So check it out.
BTW- Are you following what is going on in Atlanta with the childhood vaccines? A really big deal since my parents talk about me and those vaccines a lot. Check out the link. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/06/AR2008030602687.html?hpid=sec-health
Thursday, March 6, 2008
First Bath
Well, this week mom's friend Kim from Vermont came to visit. She's funny. She makes me laugh. Boy did I get a lot of hugs and kisses from her. After a week of stroller rides and pooping, I was wearing myself out. Saturday the 1st of March was my first bath. Johnson and Johnson - the new baby smell. I had a good time; not too much crying or making a fuss. I'm really a good girl. I even smiled when it was all over. I might even get a bath before Grandpa Rosenblum comes to visit. 
Happy Birthday to ME!!!!
Hi, my name is Amalia Rosenblum and I am so excited to be here. I was born February 17 at 10:53 am. Mom spent a long time at the Mountain Midwifery Center in Englewood, CO (www.mountainmidwifery.com). Great place, but later on we went to the hospital right up the street for the birth. Quite a ride to get here. 9 monthes of swimming around, bouncing around (like the time my mom slipped on the snow and fell down), listening to the weirdest sounds (like both of my parents snoring. They debate which one is louder. They can both drown out a herd of elephants for all I care). Well, suffice it to say, here I am, getting plenty of sleep, milk, and diaper changes.
I've been here now for about 3 weeks, and these are a few things I'm really enjoying: when my mom snuggles with me on the couch, when I get to curl up on my dad's chest and sleep, taking naps in my stoller when my mom and dad go for a walk in the afternoon. That's about it for now. I'll let you know more about how my days have been later on. By for now.

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